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Dental Client Testimonials

“Working with Matt Bladowski from Dental Strategy is a pleasure. Matt spent two days at our clinic working with the entire team. Matt came prepared and was able to provide us with insights into the competitive landscape of our practice area. He is a great facilitator and led us through a process that empowered the team to glean our practice's core strengths. He also helped the team to determine internal marketing strategies that could easily be incorporated into our daily practice. I would highly recommend Matt to anyone who is frustrated by the barrage of materials from advertising companies. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the table and is invaluable in determining what areas of marketing your practice should engage in.”

Dr. Darrell Debroni
Winnipeg, MB

“We had the pleasure of having Matt Bladowski come to our office for a two-day session. He provided a great deal of insight and some really fantastic suggestions for our office to implement. To start, he provided a very detailed demographic report for us to assess the market near our office.  The two-day session was an amazing experience for all of the team members, and everyone left excited.  During the session, Matt involved all of the team members and helped to generate an organized list of tasks. In addition, his follow up has been excellent. We would strongly recommend Matt’s services to any dental office."
Dr. Bradley Gee
Edmonton, AB

"My name is Dr. Arthur Train. About one and a half years ago, I attended a presentation by DMC Law. This was a talk about selling one’s dental practice. They introduced Matt Bladowski of Dental Strategy. This was the company and gentleman that DMC Law recommended to do dental office appraisals. When I decided to put my dental practice for sale, I spoke to a few realtors and appraisers. I finally decided to go with DMC Law, and with their recommendation, to interview Matt. I did so and was very pleasantly surprised. What a gentleman. He was not aggressive at all. He presented himself and his company quite meticulously, and thoroughly. He answered all questions without hesitation and was extremely pleasant throughout the interview. At the end of the interview, I had a gut feeling that this was the man and company I should go with. I thought no further and immediately hired Matt."
Dr. Arthur Train
North York, ON

“Matt brings a new refreshing approach to address common problems within a dental practice. Rather than come in with a solution, he comes in with a process that helps us come up with our own solutions. His style is fun, inspiring and motivational.”
Dr. Eric W.

“I will never forget what you did for me… God bless you… you are a good man… wish you all the success.”
Dr. Johnny Y.

“Matt really understands not only how marketing works, but how to get the staff and myself motivated to do it. Matt uses a unique approach to marketing that I have not seen before and that is unique and original. It was great having him in our practice and with the new ideas we look forward to getting new patients.”
Dr. Brad S.

“Impressive effort and information I must to say. Thank you!”
Dr. Fares S.

“Matt is perfect. Just perfect.”
Dr. Kal J.

“Matt did his homework. His research and analysis was well thought through and helped me make the right decision for my practice.”
Dr. Nancy A.

“I would hesitate to call Matt a consultant. He is more of a facilitator. He does his homework way ahead and knows about our patients and competition more than I ever wanted to know. Through a very well laid out facilitation technique he leads the team to decisions that are not only good for the practice but also make sense given his research on demographics. Never seen this done before.”
Dr. John B.

“This was really good! We want you back…. but I won’t write you a testimonial because I don’t want any other dentists around me to have the competitive weapons that I have now.”
Dr. Steve L.

“The depth of the analysis and the thought process behind it is incredible. I wish I had these tools back when I started my practice. My life certainly would have been different.”
Dr. George H.

“We were extremely happy with the work you did for us. Quick, efficient and to the point.”
Dr. Raja S.

“Manfred and I are so pleased. What a fantastic tool. What I have had a chance to preview looks fantastic! Great food for thought and planning! You are amazing! Thanks so much!!! 
Becker Practice Management 

Contact Us

 (226) 667-6292
 18185 Yonge Street
 Newmarket, ON, L9N 0H9

 (226) 667-6292
 305 Boler Road Unit 2
 London, ON, N6K 2K1

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