Management Consulting
What is the most effective practice management consulting for my practice?
Practice Management Consulting: Overview
Practice Management is the area that dentists struggle the most. Highly successful or not, small office or a chain of 100 practices, every practice needs to work in the area of practice management. Hiring, training and motivating employees is expensive, time-consuming and when an employee leaves, a new one needs to be retrained. By using an effective practice management procedure, your practice will maintain consistency in its results and expectations will be clear within your practice.
We go step by step through every area of your practice and discuss best practices. Next, we review your existing protocols and procedures and discuss the changes that need to be made. At the end, we document all of these changes and write up protocols for you in an online, easy to edit office manual. These protocols reflect not only best practices in the industry but are also in line with your vision and goals as well as the realities of the market where you operate. We also prepare a training curriculum based on these protocols for your employees at different stages of the career. This helps ensure that the protocol and best practices will outlive the people who work there.
How will Practice Management Consulting benefit me?
Clarity – A characteristic of good leadership is clarity. This manual helps to establish clarity so that your employees know exactly what you want and what is expected from them.
Cost – This is not a replacement for practice management, coaching or consulting. However, having this step done will save tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting.
Control – You have a full understanding of the systems and full control over the practice. You don’t have to worry about being bullied by the receptionist or office manager and threatened that s/he will quit and leave him wondering what he should do next.
Longevity – If employees are no longer there, new hires can pick up this document and learn from it.
Reflection of Your Practice – Office manuals are available online. What makes this unique is that it is being co-developed with the dentist and the team. The results are unique to the practice and the demographic and competitive landscape where it operates.
(226) 667-6292
305 Boler Road Unit 2
London, ON, N6K 2K1
Contact Us
(226) 667-6292
18185 Yonge Street
Newmarket, ON, L9N 0H9